mirrored tray, some miniatures, a fan, oval frame...
atlas books, old and new, bingo game, storybook with neat illustrations...
crepe paper, funky yarn, beadstring...
And I had a package in the mail too...
Fairy crafts to make and sew for my little fairy, a fairy cookbook for yummy treats...
and for mommy a world guide to gnomes, fairies, elves and other little people & Victorian Trading Co. catalog...
Oh my goodness, what awesome finds!! I love your Marie Antoinette pictures!!! And those fairy craft and cookbooks are FANTASTIC!!! Lucky you! What a great day!
Hi Sweetie,
Nice haul! I know the fun of it, however I stopped shopping a few years ago because I have too many things I don't need, but it's great to see you having a blast.
Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. Is my life insane, or what? I know! This has to stop at some point, but thanks for praying for me. So many are and I really appreciate your thoughts and effort. If you've read my blog, you know I'm not religious, but I am spiritual, so appreciate anything I can get!
When I have some time and a bit more energy I'll come back and read more. Until then, just know you are always welcome and thank you again for stopping by. Oh, and be careful because my readers are VERY diverse! Perhaps you've already discovered that. The quote in my banner turned out to be exactly what my blog has become. Sometimes I have to close my eyes to read someone's blog, but I swear, I have the greatest collection of readers! I wouldn't trade a single one. The ones who are very sexual are often very smart and have PhD's. No, I'm not joking! We all just get along and enjoy one another and if we can't look at something, we don't. It's so funny you know, because I worried terribly when my blog became a haven for so many, and not the Shabby Chic type! But everything has worked out beautifully, so just come with an open mind and you'll be fine. You know me by now. I can't turn really smart, funny people away. Well, I have kicked 3 people out. I do have limits!
XO Suze ;)
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